Tonnam Printakarn 2002 – COTM Feb 2025

Hi My name is Tonnam Printakarn
This car belongs to my dad. His name is Oamsuwan who love in bmw2002. He collects amny 02s and one of them is Bmw1600 with manual roof
He uses this one as a daily car because of cool air-con and comfortable driving. My dad also love to listen to music in this car
He always takes me to school with this blue 02 and that’s the answer why he loves this one the most.
with 1800cc engine M10e30  with single carburetor
Manual Transmission with 4 speed
13″ Campagnolo Wheels
I hope that if he still keep this car. I will make it light blue and use it
I always enjoy having good times with my dad in car event. he also took me abroad
I named this this blue one ” Doreamon ” because of its color.
Finally, this 02 is going to be mine and she will be serving my family on any road trip together forever.

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